Author Archives: Kathryn Robertson

March 07

6 Top Tips For Writing Successful Fixed Income Commentary

Bonds. Just the word itself can be enough to bring investment writers out in hives. Deemed difficult by some and boring by others, bonds are like the shambling drunk at the party. No-one wants to get up close and personal. For your average investor, that’s a problem. Lots of people up and down the country, […]

September 25

Bugger the rugger

So, the Rugby World Cup has started, and I have a fairly dubious reason for welcoming it. It goes back to February 2013. Fuelled by unbounded optimism (and probably beer), I rashly declared to my then-boyfriend that Scotland would beat England in the Six Nations. Now, while lots of fun things happened in February 2013 […]

September 18

Challenging London – the Northern Supercity

As a recent newcomer to Yorkshire, I’m intrigued to learn that my current abode might one day be part of a Northern supercity. I first heard of this via Jim O’Neill, the ex-Goldman Sachs guy who spawned the ubiquitous acronym, ‘BRICS‘. Turns out he had an even worse term up his sleeve: ManSheffLeedsPool. His vision […]